My Breastfeeding Journey || Leche Materna

Monday, August 08, 2016

I've paused this week to think about my breastfeeding journey. It has been soo different with both of my babes. I had a really difficult time nursing Juliet. It was so painful. My nipples bled, cracked and never seemed to heal. Getting a good latch was nearly impossible.  I would sit there for hours trying to get a good latch, cringing as I tried different positions. A lot of the time we would both end up crying and frustrated. When we finally got the latching down I had trouble keeping up my supply. Juliet was not gaining weight. I saw two different lactation consultants, tried all the tricks I could find on the Internet to help increase my milk supply. None of it worked. I had to supplement with formula after four long heartbreaking months. At the time I was so devastated I had to resort to formula. She gobbled it up instantly, it was obvious I wasn't filling her up. I felt like my body failed me. I couldn't nourish my baby on my own. Eventually Because of the supplementing it got harder and harder to keep up my supply. When our nursing relationship ended I wondered if I gave up to soon. Could it have worked out if I had tried a little longer. Looking back, I feel silly. There is nothing wrong with having to supplement. What matters most is that I was still able to nourish my baby, even if it was with formula.

This time around everything came so naturally for both John Lucas and I. From his very first latch he was a pro. There has been no pain, no discomfort, and it's clear by looking at all his little rolls and double chin that he is getting his fill of mommies milk. My biggest worry has been returning to work and having to bottle feed. I worry that it will negatively affect our nursing relationship. So far I have been able to pump and keep a freezer stash of breast milk to leave for him while I'm away. Nursing John Lucas has been a wonderful experience and I hope to continue for as long as I can. I feel so blessed to be able to give myself fully to him. I am nourishing him and he is nourishing me in so many ways.

Being a mother is so magical, our bodies were made to nourish our children far beyond the womb. I thank God everyday for giving me the gift of motherhood.

Happy World Breastfeeding Week!



He tomado tiempo esta semana para reflexionar en mi experiencia de dar pecho. Mis dos embarazos an si do tan diferentes, igual también mi relación con mis niños dando pecho.

Antes de ser madre yo juré que daría pecho asta que mis niños cumplieran un año. Pero no fue así. Cuando tuve a Julieta mi experiencia se me iso tan difícil. No podía alimentar a mi niña agusto. Era muy doloroso darle pecho, pero yo insistía. Las dos siempre terminábamos frustradas. No la llenaba, Julieta se la pasaba llorando, y casi no dormía en la noche. Llego el día que le tuve que dar fórmula, y yo me sentí tan frustrada. Mi cuerpo me fallo. No pude ser el alimento que ella necesita. Que tonta fui, si es cierto que nada compara con la leche materna, pero eso no es lo más importante. Lo más importante es que yo pude seguir alimentando a Julieta con fórmula. No importa que no fue de mi leche, Julieta está sana y sigue cresiedo sanita grasias a esa fórmula.

Mi relación con Juan Lucas a sido todo lo opuesto. El tomo a él pecho como todo un profesional. Desde la primera vez que lo alimente, no sentí dolor y es obvio con los cachetes que se porta que está recibiendo lo que él necesita. Voy a continuar a dar pecho mientras que pueda. Gracias a dios por darme el regalo de ser madre.

Feliz semana de la lactancia materna!


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  1. I loved reading this. I totally relate! With my kiddo, it was impossible to make him latch, and I felt extremely defeated. I hope next go around I have the lovely experience you had of it coming so naturally!

  2. I'm glad you can make the experience the second time! Every baby is so different, with my first one breastfeeding didn't work out, so I started supplementing. In the beginning it was hard for me, as a first time mom you put a lot of pressure on yourself. With my second child, it was easy from the beginning. I'm still breastfeeding and it's an amazing experience.
    But also bottle feeding my first child was so wonderful to me. The nutrition in formula nowadays comes really close to breast milk. I have been using organic formula from, which is free from hormones, chemicals and GMO-ingredients.
    All the best,

    1. Yes i'm completly trust with your experience so that's why I strongly recommended you - Holle formula, because what you are saying it is common problems in lot's of newborn babies, who observed this formula's.

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      best whishes for your baby
      all the best


