John Lucas 12 week update
Thursday, August 25, 2016
John lucas is already 12 weeks old (more like 13 weeks, mom is on the late train)! Boy how time flies. Lots has been happening around here and baby boy has been soo good about all of the changes (more on those changes later). He is growing so fast. Every day he is more and more alert. I am so in love with this little boy. I never knew how much love my heart could hold until I became a mom. When I found out I was pregnant with #2 I was so afraid because I didn't think I could love another soul as much as I loved Juliet. But then I met my sweet baby boy and everything changed. Every day as I experience him the love I have for John Lucas deepens, so much so that I can't contain it. He is perfect, just as god intended and was sent to me to make me softer. He has done that for me. I melt at the sight of him, there is such a tender love about the mother son bond. Boy moms always told me to watch out if I had a boy.That he would make me melt and it's so true and so good. Being a mom is such a beautiful gift. I thank God every day for sending me my two beautiful kids. I can't imagine life without them.

John Lucas has hit several milestones. He can roll from belly to his back. He loves batting at his play gym toys, and follows his mobile with his eyes. He can spot me from across the room and bares a big grin whenever he sees me or dad. He loves being talked to and will coo back at you. He can recognize my moms voice as well and enjoys hearing her talk. It's really sweet. He has also been to his first Dodger game and has gone to the beach several times.
Little miss Juliet has grown so fond of her little brother. She loves looking at the funny faces he makes and tries to mimic them. If she hears him cry, Juliet runs to the rescue and gives lots of big kisses to cheer her brother up. She is such a beautiful child. Curious about everything always poking around where she shouldn't be. I still have a hard time when she cries because she needs my attention and I am busy with her brother. I am learning to cope with those feelings and remind myself constantly that I am doing my best. It's true when people tell you how different each child will be as they grow up. John Lucas is such a mellow baby whereas Juliet was so active and demanded so much attention. I hope he continues to be mellow because mama can't handle two crazy kids!
I went back to work a month ago, and boy does it suck. Leaving my babies every morning is not ideal, but I have to work. I am at a place in my life where I am reevaluating my priorities and reflecting on whats most important to me. Having kids really changes your perspective, at least for me it has. I am finding out that what was once important to me, no longer is. Lot's of deep thinking going on over here. . . I am looking forward to the end of summer and the Holiday season as I will be taking my family bonding time!

John Lucas has hit several milestones. He can roll from belly to his back. He loves batting at his play gym toys, and follows his mobile with his eyes. He can spot me from across the room and bares a big grin whenever he sees me or dad. He loves being talked to and will coo back at you. He can recognize my moms voice as well and enjoys hearing her talk. It's really sweet. He has also been to his first Dodger game and has gone to the beach several times.
Little miss Juliet has grown so fond of her little brother. She loves looking at the funny faces he makes and tries to mimic them. If she hears him cry, Juliet runs to the rescue and gives lots of big kisses to cheer her brother up. She is such a beautiful child. Curious about everything always poking around where she shouldn't be. I still have a hard time when she cries because she needs my attention and I am busy with her brother. I am learning to cope with those feelings and remind myself constantly that I am doing my best. It's true when people tell you how different each child will be as they grow up. John Lucas is such a mellow baby whereas Juliet was so active and demanded so much attention. I hope he continues to be mellow because mama can't handle two crazy kids!
I went back to work a month ago, and boy does it suck. Leaving my babies every morning is not ideal, but I have to work. I am at a place in my life where I am reevaluating my priorities and reflecting on whats most important to me. Having kids really changes your perspective, at least for me it has. I am finding out that what was once important to me, no longer is. Lot's of deep thinking going on over here. . . I am looking forward to the end of summer and the Holiday season as I will be taking my family bonding time!