My Morning Spotify Playlist

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

My mornings start pretty early, like 5am you can understand I may need some assistance to help me start my day! Of course, I can't start my day without my yummy cup of coffee but I've found that music has helped me boost my mood in the early hours of the day, especially starting Monday. Monday's are the start of a new work week and I believe how you start your Monday sets a trend for the remainder of the week's flow so, this playlist I've created has really helped me out!

These are just a few songs I have added to my morning playlist on Spotify. You can continuously add songs to your playlists to keep it fresh and have an various amounts of playlists going. I seriously have a playlist for every type of mood: my drive home from work, when I wanna rock out or want to throw on that throwback tune-music is truly my therapy! 

Here is the link to Spotify playlist: Morning Playlist.

What type of tunes help you lift your spirits?


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