20 Week Update

Thursday, May 05, 2016

This week, Jey and I had our 20 week update and what can say but that I feel extremely blessed!! God has truly blessed our family with the miracle of life and I am extremely happy to report that Baby Ezra is looking healthy and growing ahead of the pack-Doc has measured Baby Ezra to be in the 90th percentile in length which is not surprising because Jey is 6 ft so I can understand if we were expecting a longer baby :)

All of baby's organs are looking good and healthy which is great news to hear! I actually started to feel the "little flutters" that everyone talks about-it's an indescribable feeling! It can sometimes feel like forever in between doctor's visits so hearing this great news is heart warming and relieving and I am feeling just so extremely blessed...there are truly not enough words to describe the miracle of life!


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