Baby Shower Fiesta

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

This past weekend we had the pleasure of celebrating my baby shower. My mom and sisters decided on a FIESTA theme and it turned out great! My mothers back yard was very festive, complete  with sarapes, sombreros, and piñatas. On the menu we had tacos, quesadillas, rice, beans and for dessert we had a selection of Mexican candies and bread. All of my favorite things!!!
Juliet was the life of the party singing and dancing to mariachi music. Thanks to all of our friends and family who joined us. It was a great party and I thank my wonderful mama and sisters for another fabulous event. We are now ready for John Lucas. He is due to arrive in three weeks or less!
Este fin de semana celebramos el baby shower de John Lucas. Mi mama y hermanas quisieron celebrar al estilo FIESTA. El Jardin de mis papas lucio super festivo decorado con sarapes, sombreros, y flores de papel. Para comer sirvieron tacos, quesadillas, arroz y frijoles. Y de postre una selección de dulces mexicanos y pan dulce. Todas mis comidas favoritas!
Juliet se divertido tanto bailando y cantando con la musica de mariachi. Muchas gracias a todos los que nos pudieron acompañar. Y especialmente a mi mamá y hermanas por organizar esta fiesta tan especial. Ya estamos listos para recibir a John Lucas. No puedo creer que estará aquí en menos de tres semanas.

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