Pumping Essentials

Thursday, September 01, 2016


I have been back to work for almost two months and have been successful in keeping my baby exclusively breast fed. Pumping is not fun or easy but I am slowly learning what works and what does't. I made a list of the essentials that have made pumping at work as easy as can be.

Ayla Nursing Bra: This bra is amazing! It's a nursing and hands free pumping bra. It is perfect for moms who pump with a traditional pumps. I love it because it looks nothing like your average nursing bra. It's delicate lace detail allows me to feel sexy while still wearing a functional bra. The Dairy Fairy has a great selection of nursing/pumping bras to choose from.
Breast Pump Bag: Love this bag and doubles as a diaper bag on the weekend!
Freemie Breast Pump: This pump is perfect for multitasking. I work in a busy call center and this pumping system allows me to pump handsfree all while taking phone calls. The pump is extra quiet and callers and co-workers can't tell when I am pumping in my office.

Lansinoh Milk Storage Bags: I preferrer these bags to the others because you can lay them flat to freeze for easier storage.

Medea Breast Milk Cooler Set:  Nothing fancy just an insulated bag and ice pack to transport from work to home.

Medela disinfecting wipes: One of the worst things about pumping is having to clean and wash all of the accessories. These handy wipes make it easy to disinfect and clean the pump parts after every use. 

Bamboobies Bra Inserts: I love how soft these bra inserts are and they keep me from leaking through my shirt. 

Water Bottle: It is so important to stay hydrated while you are nursing. I love this bottle because you can add your favorite fruit or veggies to help give your H20 some flavor. I drink at lest two of these a day to help keep up my supply.

ComoTomo bottle: Although it's not really an essential to help you pump, I added this because it is the only bottle my baby will take. We tried so may different kinds but this is the one he preferred. It's made out of soft silicone that mimics a mothers breast.  If you are having a hard time getting your baby to take a bottle try this one. It might work for you too. 

I hope you find this list helpful in your nursing/pumping journey. Please share any other tips you may have that made pumping easier for you. 


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