It's a...

Thursday, March 24, 2016

We’re having a baby BOY!!!
We are super super excited about finding out our sweet baby’s gender! For some reason, both Jey and I had this feeling it was a girl because we both come from a long line of females on both family sides but low and behold...we are most certainly having a baby boy! Jey and I were both hoping our first born would be a son, so you can imagine how incredibly excited we both are. Funny tale though, my mom keeps thinking our baby is a girl, but we decided to take a prenatal blood test which would also determine the baby's gender...and blood work does not lie! 
When I got the call the blood results were in, I immediately thought up a way to tell Jey. I decided to package a baby onesie geared towards a boy and have him open it up to find out the gender, his reaction was priceless-"Are you serious?!" I couldn't help but laugh because I think it was last thing he expected. I had the mindset it would be a girl from the moment I found out I was pregnant so I'm switching gears into all things boy & it is SO fun. Now we just have to wait patiently to meet this little man, EZRA JAMES. I can’t wait! We are really loving putting an identity to our baby and dreaming about our life together! This little boy is such a joy in our lives and we feel extremely blessed!

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  1. Aaaahhhh! So exciting!! Opposite to contrary belief, boys are very fun to shop for. I've had the most fun buying cute stuff for my little nephews! Congrats, Steph!

    1. I'm so unbelievably excited and am in full boy mode! Definitely excited for the adventure :) Thanks for the support!!


