Third Trimester To-Dos

Monday, November 21, 2016

As I was nearing my due date and could potentially have the baby any moment, I've come up with a list of ways to enjoy my days before baby's arrival. As I was on maternity leave, I had time for doing little projects around the house (everything baby related had been taken care as I do not like to wait last minute), so I had been taking advantage of the extra time I had at home with my little pooch, Penny.

As I am sure Penny has enjoyed time with Mommy, I had also been trying to exercise my energy by cleaning and organizing around the house as much as I could before baby arrived. I had started to experience mild pelvic cramping and was tossing and turning all night. I had been trying several things to help speed things along (teas, walking, bouncing on a ball, eating labor inducing foods).


  • Organizing: I love organizing and what better way to occupy my time while at home and before baby arrives and may no longer have the time to do so.
  • "Waste" Time: while I love to keep my house clean and organized, now is the time to do whatever you want...pick up your feet and relax, take naps, watch marathons, do anything your heart desires before baby's arrival.
  • Cooking Up a Storm: I really enjoy cooking and food is truly the way to my husband's heart, so I am trying to make my husband's favorite recipes.
  • Date your Husband: Take the time to set one on one time with your husband/partner. Go on dates, do things your partner would like to do and remind him how important he is, your aspirations for your growing family and how much you truly appreciate his support.
  • Drinking Raspberry Leaf Tea: Helps strengthen the uterus and ease labor pains.
  • Pamper Yourself: Do the things that help you to relax and meditate before your life changes. Get your nails done, get a massage, take a relaxing bath and pamper yourself with a night of girly treatments.
I wrote this post before Baby Ezra had made his debut but sure enough didn't make it to posting live on our blog because baby had arrived :)

I still wanted to share my thoughts on my third trimester to-dos because I thought it would be helpful to any new mommy! Remember, to take time for yourself before baby arrives because your world will be forever changed once he/she arrives!



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