Pregnancy Questionnaire | 26 Weeks

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

I came across this fun questionnaire on the lovely Hannah Renee's Blog. Here's what I came up with :


GENDER: For those who do not know, we are having a boy!

HIS SIZE: He is the size of an eggplant! Measuring 12 inches and weighing 2 pounds (according to my app)

TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN: About 13 pounds! This is sometimes hard to except but knowing in the back of my mind the purpose and end result makes it all worth it in the end!

MATERNITY CLOTHES: At this point, I have been lucky enough to get away with not having to purchase too much maternity options. I currently only have 2 pairs of jeans- I love jeans but did not want to invest in them since I will not be planning to wear them for a long time- I purchased mine at H&M and Old Navy, and a belly support band for my non-maternity jeans, I was gifted mine by my lovely mother :) you can find it here.

SLEEP:  Sleep has been relatively good, especially with the addition of a body pillow (a sweet gift from Iris)! But as I continue to drop, I find myself tossing a little bit more which I figured would happen due to the growth of my belly.

SYMPTOMS: I find myself experiencing horrible spontaneous leg cramps. They don't happen too often luckily but they do spark up and a while. One night, I had cramps in both calfs at the same time! Was not a fun experience!

FOOD CRAVINGS:  I can't really say I have one or two things that I can really pin point that I have been craving. I can say, I do crave more salty foods than anything else, which I know I have to watch my intake on..

ANY STRETCH MARKS: Luckily, I have yet to experience any stretch marks (knocking on wood!)

WEDDING RINGS ON OR OFF: I have been okay so far wearing my wedding rings but being that we are heading into the summer heat, I'm sure they will be coming off pretty soon.

MOVEMENT: Baby is getting stronger and stronger and the movement is feeling more like actually kicks and nudges. I was sitting at my desk at work one day and had my arm at my side and from the bottom corner of my eye literally saw my arm being nudged by a movement. I was surreal to me and such an exciting feeling!

NAMES: As previously mentioned in our pregnancy announcement, we knew from the moment we found out it was going to be a boy---his name will be Ezra James :)

Hope you enjoyed this fun little questionnaire as much as I did!


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