John Lucas 6 Month Update

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Half a year. Time has flown by so fast. 6 well almost 7 months of milestones since I am just getting around to posting this.  Soon we will be planning his birthday party. It’s amazing how much John Lucas has grown. His little personality is blooming and my sweet gentle little man has been such a joy. 


Sleep has been great. John Lucas has always been a great sleeper. He will wake once to nurse and quickly falls back to sleep. This kids will sleep anywhere, no matter how loud it is. This is definitely a plus for a second child because Juliet is always causing a ruckus. 


John Lucas is primarily breast fed. He nurses on demand through the day. We just started him on solids and so far his favorite is apple sauce. He prefers nursing over solids, and has been a lot slower to transition than juliet was. I like to make his food and will pure boiled/ baked apples, zucchini, carrots. He also likes avocado & banana. He is teething and has sprouted 4 bottom teeth and his two top teeth are coming in. He loves chewing and eating Baby Munchaules Teething wafers. I recommend them for any teething baby. 

John Lucas is a big boy! Weight about 22 pounds. He is a little chunk and is developing and growing nicely. He is in 9-12 month clothing and wearing size 4 diapers. 


John Lucas is having fun dropping things on purpose and playing peek a boo with mommy and sister. 

He loves watching and hearing Juliet make farm animal noises.

Claps his hands

Blows Raspberries

Sits up unaided

Rolls from back to front 

Plays with his toes/ feet

Things JL loves


Cuddles and holding his favorite peoples faces. I love what a cuddle monster he is. 

His sister. No one can make him crack up as much as she can. He is always looking for her and she for him. I am so amazed and thankful for their bond.

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse- JL enjoys watching a long with big sis and clapping his hands to the beat of the songs. 

Happy Half Birthday JL!

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